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Old 20th November 2017, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
Really? I thought it was quite nuanced.

The Punisher is Dealing with a thorny issue in regards to what a country does about the thousands of men coming back from a warzone damaged. Some physically and some mentally. The gun control debate that cropped up in one episode gave both sides a good airing and didn't pick one. Somewhat refreshing imo than some of the preachiness of some shows. My biggest annoyance with this came from Bones which started crowbarring in Fox news talking points in the middle of episodes. No looking at both sides just 'this is what you must belive'.

As for the Punisher itself I thought it was good. It felt a little like a 9 episode story stretched over 12 episodes but Its still the most coherent and intelligent attempt to put the Punisher into live action. I think people were expecting perhaps more Garth Ennis when instead we got more Chuck Dixon with a little ennis thrown in. I'm fairly certain I know where season 2 is going and I think that's where we'll see the Punisher really go off the deep end.
More intelligent that Dolph and his skull stubble? Are you crazy...
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