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Old 3rd January 2010, 06:50 PM
vipco vipco is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Belfast

Sounds cool mbv.
That musta set you back a few quid. I fancied DJ Hero but the £90 price tags a bit off putting.

I dug out TNA IMPACT as I got so tired of SVR 10's sameyness to past editions and winning matches on Legend Setting every time .
SVR 07 (360) is still the best in the franchise , im gonna pick it up tomorrow in HMV new for £9.99. (Pre Sale price so its prob cheaper)

THQ should realise that long time followers of their franchise need the A I and difficulty upped each year , or start using their superior UFC game engine for future SVR games.
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