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Old 20th December 2017, 12:15 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cinematic Shocks View Post
**** the fanboy haters! The Last Jedi is a great Star Wars film. All the stuff they’ve been complaining about, I didn’t have a problem with… at all. It’s not perfect, but neither was Return of the Jedi and Rogue One, and they’re great as well. I'll elaborate later in the Star Wars thread.

**** out of *****

My new Star Wars rankings:

The Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
The Last Jedi
Rogue One
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
The Force Awakens
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace

well if you read on line etc most people are saying the same thing about these "fans" the words edge lords and hipsters spring to mind. they hated force because it did nothing new and was basically fan service but they hate this film because it dared to do something a bit different that didn't pander to the fans, is it perfect, no but its a far better film than the prequels and force awakens

also if you look at the negative reviews on imdb etc, most are accounts created recently and a lot of the reviews share a similar writing style!

Last edited by trebor8273; 20th December 2017 at 12:36 PM.
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