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Old 22nd December 2017, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
might give this a watch. do i need to have seen bleak house?

just finished season one of frontiers, while not brilliant it was enjoyable enough and only six episodes didn't out stay its welcome
I hadn't seen Bleak House when I watched Dickensian (I've seen it subsequently) and found it to be superb as a stand-alone series and something I want to revisit.

I recently finished Bates Motel, where the fifth series moves into the events depicted in Psycho, where it diverges from Alfred Hitchcock's version of the character and events.

Since then, I've been watching An Idiot Abroad for the second time (I'm averaging the second series and have just seen Karl Pilkington in Uganda with the aim of meeting a gorilla). It's funny and works for many reasons, one of which is because Pilkington is such a narrowminded Little Englander who hates everything about what he is doing that people who don't like travelling will identify with him and those who are insanely jealous wish they were there. However, even as someone who occasionally thinks the money has been wasted and they would have been better off sending someone who appreciates the culture, sites and overall experience, he makes some salient points regarding such things as the food!

I adored the third series of Detectorists, something I didn't want was very glad they made and found the seven part miniseries Children of the Stones (which I bought on DVD about a year ago from the Network sale) to be far more interesting and entertaining than I expected to the extent that I watched it in one sitting.
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