la-nave-de-los-monstruos. The Ship of Monsters (1960) jpg.jpg La nave de los monstrous/ The Ship Of Monsters (1960)
The Planet Venus has no more males. Two females are sent on a mission to the planets to find males of any species and bring back to Venus.
After collecting various creatures from the planets, the spaceship develops a fault and has to land on Earth.
There the two Venus girls run in to a singing cowboy and they see how similar the Venus and Earth people are.
One of the girls though, has a taste for blood and attacks a man.
Knowing she will be sentenced to death for this, she lets loose the collection of monsters on the ship in a bid to take over the world...
Insane Mexican production has girls in skimpy costumes, a robot, monsters, vampires, cowboys, singing, dancing, comedy, sci-fi, horror ..Oh man this is such fun
Bat-shit Crazy. thLGM0SAQR.jpg tumblr_len1viTojk1qf2my8o1_1280.jpg