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Old 18th January 2018, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
As far as I am aware, when a film is released on DVD or Blu-Ray, copies of it are sent out by the company (i.e 88films) to magazines and websites in order for it to be reviewed

Maybe 88Films need to find a PR person who is able to provide copies for review purposes. Perhaps they need to do what Arrow used to do, and give copies to this very forum for prizes in weekly competitions!
I would imagine they don't have the money to distribute screener discs, let alone ones which resemble the finished article with packaging and booklets to represent the finished article. The only way, as Demdike suggested, would be to make it available as a stream. However, this wouldn't work very easily for the discs with different language tracks and a commentary.
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