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Old 22nd January 2018, 03:03 AM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

*Shite film alert.*

I was just in one of those moods tonight when i felt like consuming bad films and alcohol.
So i thought i'd set my sights on a few notoriously dodgy films that i'd never seen and also strike a few titles off my Nasties list in the process.

First up was " Don't go in the woods...... alone"


Badly made inept home video style monstrosity that has all the hallmarks of shoddy substandard filmmaking.
Bad performances from people with zero charisma that couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, or in this case a sleeping bag.

No tension or even plot to think of, there isn't any explanation of why there is a wild hillbilly on the rampage, even the kill scenes are badly shot with the early scenes not even having any visual implement contact.

The whole film seems like some guy trying to learn how to make a film on the job, admittedly it slightly improves as it progresses, but maybe that was just the accumulation of drink.

The strange thing was that the 88 films blu of this had some decent landscape shots and was a pretty clear image in places, which contrasted with the grindhouse feeling i was expecting.

All in all pretty much shite but i found myself enjoying some of the fumbled shots, bad acting and overripe dialogue.

A bad but strangely alluring 5/10.


Next -



Another film that i'd always heard was so badly made it was barely watchable.

In many ways it is a bad film, but i found this a step up from "DGITW's" , sure it's shit, but it has a certain 'B' movie charm that i found enjoyable.

I didn't find this as much of a struggle as the last film.

We follow a gang of late 60's style hippy chicks and their leader, some guy named Seyten() or something, as they fool around doing drugs, getting their tits out and randomly murdering innocent people.

All the while riding around on their motorbikes to some muffled half assed variation on 'Easy riders' born to be wild track.


This seems based upon the Manson murders, with a posh family and a film starlet who finally feels the brunt of the gangs lust for blood, as such it should be unwatchable in the shallow way it treats the subject, but because it's played as pure throwaway schlock it is impossible to take seriously.

It does seem to me this was a big influence on Bebbers "Manson family" in the way it portrayed the group.

Then at the end it suddenly throws away all coherence and zooms out of the film to show a staged snuff killing, this too is badly done, it is mildly disturbing in the way it is played, but the way the guy manages to pull a girls beating heart out of her stomach reflects the ineptitude of the gore on display.

All in all a thoroughly random experience that entertained me, even while i recognised the utter shiteness of the film.


MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.

Last edited by nosferatu42; 22nd January 2018 at 08:56 AM.
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