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Old 11th February 2018, 06:57 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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enjoyable low budget trash, mixing mad max gangs and mutants and some stop motion monster. will it win any awards, is the acting anygood? NO but its fun and i would rather watch something like this than a borefest like citizen Kane.

Cameron Mitchell has top billing as the creator/leader of the mutants, even though he is only in it for a total of around 10 minutes. 6/10

not to be confused with the Hoff movie from the year before (1988)

i really wasn't expecting anything from this but was pleasantly surprised, what we have is a rip off, of Rosemary's baby. you woman after the birth of her infant son moves into her mother in laws home with her husband, soon after arriving she begins have strange and disturbing dreams and feels like both her husband and mother in law are keeping something from her and controlling her. creepy with a dreamlike quality in places and unlike Rosemary's baby which i think is overrated and didn't enjoy, i enjoyed this which was thanks to the actress playing the mother, who or who might not be a good as actress as Mia Farrow, but unlike Farrow's character i didn't want to slap her in the face every-time i saw her. 7/10

now watching witchcraft, followed by this, which I've not seen before.
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