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Old 23rd February 2018, 12:15 AM
Gothmogxx Gothmogxx is offline
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I really like the first Hatchet film and agree with you about Adam Green. Sadly i really didn't like Hatchet II and haven't seen the third or fourth film. However people round here such as yourself Gothmogxx, seem to really like this latest installment so i think i'll give it a go when it comes out on dvd.

It does kind of worry me that you think Hatchet II is the best film though.
The first one is the funniest and it was a true return to form in terms of making slashers without excessive CGI (I don't mind CGI if done right, Hostel 1 and 2 are good examples of that, but when it gets out of control its not good).

I've always had a soft spot for II. I've loved it ever since I first saw it: this was 2011, I was 14. Already loving the first one I was determined to get the next one asap. Its kind of funny cause I got it at my local Lidl and the woman at the cash-point was refusing to sell it to me and I had to get my dad to argue with her to get it lol (I was usually quite good at getting horror films without issue but I slipped up on that occasion. Looking back I'm 99% certain that the people at my local HMV knew it was really me buying them though but they let it pass haha) I remember watching that along with Scream 4 and trying to sneak into the cinema to see Final Destination 5, good times haha. I miss being a young horror fan.

Anyway I unintentionally watched it FOUR times in 24 hours. Not by choice Despite what I claim on my original post on this thread back in 2014 i'm not quite as obsessive as Annie Wilkes I watched it the first time, then later put it on again to watch the first commentary. Then mum came in half-way into it and said that they wanted to watch it, which amazed me as the only slasher film my dad likes is... Jason X out of all slasher films (in all fairness I like that one a lot too). So not really wanting to do anything else besides watching the film commentary I kind of just went through to the living room and watched it again. Then when I got the film back I finished the commentary. THREE times in one day, I don't think I've ever done that with any other film, even if it wasn't intentional. I certainly haven't done it four times with any film in 24 hours (I watched the second commentary when I woke up next morning).

I love the death scenes in it (choked to death my intestines, jaws ripped off, hit in the face 30 times with the hatchet, head decapitated while having sex, two guys getting lifted into the air by a 7 foot chainsaw, half a head getting kicked across a table, getting cut in half and ripped out of his own skin... I wish Hatchet III and IV had a couple more like this) I love listening to Reverend Zombie explain the history of Victor Crowley. Yeah I criticised Hatchet IV for being slow but here the subject matter is interesting and they mix in kills with the flashbacks: Tony Todd and Danielle Harris's acting is outstanding here too. The whole cast is good and there are quite a lot of well known horror actors here (Danielle Harris, Tom Holland, Tony Todd, R.A. Milhailof, John Carl Buechler, Kane Hodder, Parry Shen, AJ Bowen, Ed Ackerman...) The final 20 minutes of Hatchet II are among the best moments in Slasher cinema ever! It really does feel like "the Expendables" of horror here with so many brilliant horror actors/directors all in this one house giving it their all. Tom Holland trying to save Danielle Harris from Tony Todd as Kane Hodder and R.A. Mihailof (closest we'll probably get to Jason vs Leatherface as they both played those characters at least once each) facing off and beating the hell out of each other, Kane ripping Tony out of his own skin after decapitating him in half (and the double chainsaw kill happens just before all this)... Oh its outstanding.

It does have humour in it (albeit not quite as good as the first), the character Vernon was outrageously hilarious (and he sang that funny cookie song, which I tried to get him to sing on Adam's podcast he does with Joe Lynch called The Movie Crypt. My question got asked, but I think they played a re-mixed version instead or something like that).

In fact the only issue I have with Hatchet II is the way its shot. The first one is shot very nicely but Hatchet II kind of looks a bit more cheap. Kind of digital looking as I see it. Its not something which really bothered me in a big way but I've always noticed it and wondered why they didn't just shoot it like they did the first and even the third and fourth ones so it looked even more impressive.

All in all though I love it a lot. In my recent 31 days of horror if I recall it was my 3rd highest rated film out of all 31, just behind The Thing at number 1 and The Fog at number 2 (The Fog is hideously under-rated, but that's for another thread).
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