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Old 29th March 2018, 05:45 PM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
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What annoys me about cutting the animal violence out of films is the consistency of their reasoning. (The British Board of Film Censors.) Or should that be their inconsistency?
Want to show a water buffalo decapitated with a f*ck off machete in one blow at the end of your Vietnam movie? No problems here.
Blow bloody great holes in kangaroos whose scenes have little to no relevance to the story? Aww, no worries, mate.
Torture and kill lizards pretending to be centre of the Earth dinosaurs? Oh, little Jimmy will love that shit, pass the super glue and plastic spikes.
Pull a turtle out of the water (Leaving her babies to starve, presumably...) flip it on its back, cut its head off, mug to the camera with it flopping its jaw, slice off a flipper next...coz...well, why not? Then hack open the underside of its shell before cooking and eating it. Well...turtle is quite tasty you know.
Show a mongoose and a snake fight like you can see on the Animal channels documentary? OH MY GOD!! NOOOOO! You sick bastard, what kind of pervert are you, advocating to see such horrendous shit!? You nasty paedophile motherlover, bet you masturbate at these scenes. People like you should be locked up, raped by Bubba and buried under the prison!
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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