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Old 11th April 2018, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
One thing to consider is the differences between homage and parody. Shaun of the dead, Hot Fuzz and world's end for example are more affectionate homages to the genres they are using rather than parody. However there are equally compelling arguments that would say I'm wrong.
I think parody is a form of homage. When Quentin Tarantino uses the same framing as The Searchers or wardrobe design as Game of Death in Kill Bill, that's done as a form of homage. When Matt Stone and Trey Parker use and subvert many of the tropes in a Michael Bay action film, that's more parody or satire. Bill and Ted playing chess with Death could either be homage or parody depending on your interpretation of the filmmaker's intentions or, like me when I first saw the film, it might be something you didn't realise is either because you have no knowledge of The Seventh Seal!

I suppose it's easier to make a list by looking for films which appear to be a 'humorous homage' of a previous film/film genre than just go by a strict dictionary definition of parody.
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