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Old 15th April 2018, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Me too. I've longed for this ever since reading the old Target novel.

It comes across as a pure horror story. I'd love to have it animated even though it would lack the chilling atmosphere i suspect the televised episodes had.
Well the advantages of being an old git I well remember Fury as one the last Who shows I saw as an 8 year old back in 68 before the family moved to the U.S., This one and Web of Fear stayed with me all these years, the seaweed monster trying to breakout of a pipe/tube was proper scary for a rugrat like me, real 'behind the sofa'stuff as the cast realized they couldn't stop it and as for that foam, never had soap suds been so menacing and unlike the modern incarnation there was no deep emotional/philosophical tear jerking finale that most 8 year olds would go "Huh?" at, just the Doctor kicking arse and then popping back in the Tardis for the next adventure...

( it does not escape me that I'm probably the only member here that has any memory of it at all, thanks to the BBC wiping it, ******s)
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