Just finished reading this the other day.
Having just read the Dale Cooper autobiography recently i decided to do this one after, the Cooper one i found very entertaining and generally light in tone whereas this is the total opposite and is very dark, sordid and depressing.
Watchers of the TV show will know the general details already with her slow descent into hell at the hands of "Bob", this doesn't give us much more info about her life that we didn't already know.
But it does go into her personal thoughts and the struggle between the light and dark sides of her personality, so is a fascinating read from that perspective.
This is definitely more similar to the new series and "Fire walk with me" film in that it doesn't hold back from the darkness, and is much more vicious and blunt.
Full of swearing, sleazy sex and horror that was only hinted at in the original series, it would be interesting to see what people made of it at the time who where fans.
This was released after season one and is prophetic in the way it points to the direction Lynch would take it when given full creative control
I liked it, but enjoyed the Cooper book more.
Now reading this.
I've not read many books for a long time, i haven't as much concentration these days (i used to read constantly during my teens.)
To combat this i've taken to reading on the toilet.

Also choosing short novels, with a lot of chapter stops, so i can read in short spurts.
Pretty chuffed that i've read two books in the past month.