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Old 14th May 2018, 09:19 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
Cult Veteran
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

This one I could have skipped ... but I've given it my best shot. These are in no order ... just from memory yes ... I know.

Charlie Allnutt (Bogart) "The African Queen"
Luke Wright (Stafam) "Safe"
Travis Bickle (De Niro) "Taxi Driver"
Abraham Gentry (Kress) "The Gore Gore Girls"
Det. Insp. Harry Callahan (Eastwood) The Dirty Harry series.
Gil Westrum (Scott) "Ride The High Country"
Remo Williams (Ward) ...go on, have a guess
Peter D. Carter (Niven) "A Matter Of Life And Death"
Oh Dae-su (Min Sik) "Oldboy"
Father Urbain Grandier (Reed) "The Devils"

Norman Bates (Perkins) "Psycho"
Vukmir Vukmir (Trifunovic) "A Serbian Film"
Red Leary (Kennedy) "Thunderbolt & Lightfoot"
Dr. Obrero (O'Brien) "Zombi Holocaust"
Saul Femm (Wills) "The Old Dark House"
Carl ("Max") "Forced Entry"
The Photographer (Garrett) "Murder Set Pieces"
Randolph & Mortimer Duke (Ameche/Bellamy) "Trading Places"
Donny Kohler (Grimaldi) "Don't Go In The House"

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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