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Old 17th May 2018, 06:50 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14

I thought Omega man ran out of steam fairly quickly. Soylent green is a far more consistent film.

Island Zero

A community finds itself trapped on a remote island off the east coast of America when the Ferry fails to arrive. Pretty soon things start turning up dead and it appears that a previously undiscovered race of underwater beasties have come to shore to feed after polishing off all the marine life in the area. Unfortunately for the characters but fortunately for the films low budget the creatures are invisible.
This ones a throwback to 70's eco horrors like Frogs, The Prophecy ect ect. Its likely to turn off a portion of its audience. Its slow moving and probably ten minutes too long. Its clearly low budget and the direction is fairly pedestrian. However I'm a sucker for this kind of film so I enjoyed myself.


A young model/actor heads off into the desert with her boss. Two sleazy friends of his turn up and when he heads off they take the opportunity to rape the young woman. When she asks for her lover to call the helicopter to get her out of there he decides to try and cover things up by chucking her off a cliff. She doesn't die however, instead going a little nuts in a cave before heading out to hunt the men down one after the other.
If you've seen plenty of rape-revenge films in the past you'll pretty much guess what going on here. It does very little new with the genre. However it is worth watching because it does its thing very well indeed. Its got a level of brutality in the violence that reminded me of the films of Alexander Aja and french splatter like inside. Its got a moody electronic score that seems to be popular at the minute and the direction is assured and stylish. Worth a go.
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