Originally Posted by Rik Do you still enjoy watching the Birds knowing now what Hitchcock put Tippi Hedren through during the shoot? |
Funnily enough, that came to mind while I was writing the post because one of the reasons why the film is so uncomfortable to watch is because I know it's not just Melanie Daniels suffering in the scene, but because Hedren spent time in the hospital. It's a film I really appreciate, but my enjoyment has decreased over the years.
Similarly, you know how much I love
The Exorcist; I know one instance when Ellen Burstyn screams in pain because she landed on her coccyx and was genuinely hurt, not acting and pretending to be in pain from being punched in the face by her 12-year-old daughter. I don't think she spent time in hospital or missed any time on set, but Friedkin (though he didn't intend Burstyn to land badly) chose a take which had the first realistic reaction to what Chris McNeil had experienced.