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Old 5th June 2018, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
Some films I can go into and put to one side its a remake then try and enjoy it for what it is once decided if like or not then compare to original .

A film, remake, sequel or otherwise, should be given a chance to stand on its own - we’ve had great remakes in the past (they’re few and far between, admittedly) so it’s always worth letting something have the chance to entertain you.

I’ve seen a lot of negative sentiment piled on this film - like someone else said, those who want to hate on something unseen aren’t being forced to watch it. I’ve always been encouraging about remakes because they offer the opportunity to bring attention to original works that may have evaded younger people. That and there’s almost always a super-up reissue of the original to buy on disc. Everyone’s a winner apart from film snobs who claim to be outraged in order to flex their perceived superiority, I guess.
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