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Old 5th June 2018, 10:32 AM
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Nosferatu@Cult Labs Nosferatu@Cult Labs is offline
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Thanks to all who contributed a list of their favourite cannibal films and/or those starring the great Tomas Milian.

I had several things to choose from today and decided to choose the one which would probably lead to the most individual and eclectic lists, with the subject being those films which have confused, bewildered or completely lost you with a narrative which is either very complicated or so surreal you have almost no idea of what you've just seen when the end credits are rolling.

From Cronenberg to Aronofsky, Lynch to Kubrick and Gondry to Jodorowsky, a number of filmmakers have made fascinating films which have completely lost me, sometimes meaning I need to watch a film several times before I fully understand what has taken place. Sometimes I can watch a film many times, reading theories and interpretations online and still have little idea about what has transpired, so it would be great to know what films have ended (even if you now completely 'get' them) and left you thinking "Wait, what?"


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