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Old 14th June 2018, 09:13 AM
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TYTDReviews TYTDReviews is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: West Midlands

Due to growing up with a family who could only just make ends meet my trips to the video shop were very few and far between. But in many ways that made the trips all the more special. I remember there was a very small local shop about 5 minutes away from my house. They had this weird tick of never putting the original artwork on display. Literally the entire shop was just A5 framed copies of the VHS covers and when they gave you your rental tapes they were in all white (Barring the spine) boxes with the name of the shop (I think it was called "Sunnytime video") down the spine in White text on a blue backdrop.

I remember renting "Matilda" from there and getting into a massive argument with my parents some time later for trying to rent an 18 movie when I was 11 xD I cant remember the film that I wanted I just remembered that it had a really cool "Terminator 2" era Arnie style guy on the box...

It shut down some time in the mid 2000's They tried to embrace DVD by binning/selling off all there VHS stock in the late 90s and rebuying the lot on disc...only to then realise that as we lived in one of the most working class areas of the north almost noone had got a DVD player the shop sat empty for about 5 years till it ended up becoming one of these pop up Vape shack things...There was another VHS shop that popped up in my area in the early 2000's (It was a "Video Star" ) but it lasted about 2 years and then died of death...

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