Originally Posted by Crimson Blade Maybe it's just the blu-ray. There were a couple of bad reviews on Amazon. This was the worst.
88 films blu ray sound problems
17 November 2016
Format: Blu-ray|Verified Purchase
88 films have done a good job with the picture when comparing it to the old vipco DVD but downfall for this release is the sound, it just bad and distorted at times, I've contacted 88 films about this and said to the age of the film it the best they could do, but to me this is bs, I've got early sound films from early 30's which doesn't sound bad as this, a big downfall for this release which is a shame as it's a good film but can't understand why it under the slasher title when it not a slasher film, strange choice from 88 films |
I picked that one up recently on blu-ray but I haven't tried it yet. Once I've taken a look at it I'll let you know what I think about the audio.