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Old 28th June 2018, 10:04 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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An improvement on phantom but not by much, still have some of the same problems , not hard to see why people say Anakin the mannequin but this i would say partial down too Lucas dialogue than the actors ability. Also like the phantom the effects have not age well and it's even more noticeable here, more so at the end battle. Give the new films there due at least they went on location and used models effects et c and it wasn't all green screen. 5.5/10

Black Magic Part 2.

Absolutely bonkers and fantastic , asian take on the zombie genre with black magic and a man keeping himself young by feeding on breast milk. Also some unintentional funny scene one near the beginning with a crocodile attack and the other with a possessed/ zombie being attack with a dead cat! 8/10

Now watching contamination.
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