I started typing something earlier today but it disappeared before I had chance to post and needed to go out.
I agree with the review Susan posted. Lenzi is a good raconteur and there and speaks well about the finances, Italian film industry, his thoughts of the shoot, Deodato, working with Radice, the animal cruelty, and other things.
With his bald head and magnificent beard, Radice doesn't hold back in his distaste of the film, something he has spoken about before including on commentaries, and how he basically feels he was conned into being complicit in the gratuitous animal violence by Lenzi. The way he speaks about the film makes me very glad I asked him to sign the DVD sleeves of other things (The House on the Edge of the Park was one) when I met him four years ago.
As both men can't be right, the truth probably lies somewhere in between so it's up to you to decide who you believe!