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Old 27th August 2018, 04:22 AM
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‘Jacob’s Ladder’ Remake Coming to Theaters in 2019
By Michael Carpenter - August 26, 2018

At this point, nearly every classic horror film has been remade, with more coming soon, whether fans want them or not. Yet another terrific movie to get the remake treatment is 1990 mind-bender Jacob’s Ladder, directed by Adrian Lyne and starring Tim Robbins.

The titular character is a Vietnam vet haunted by his experiences during the war, resulting in a series of bizarre and terrifying hallucinations that seem to become more and more real to his disturbed mind. Its big twist is pretty famous, but I’ll refrain from spoiling it here.

Anyway, Bloody Disgusting recently confirmed that not only is a Jacob’s Ladder remake on the way, it already has a release date penciled in. Indie studio LD Entertainment (The Collection) is set to release the remake in theaters on February 1st, 2019.

Unfortunately, those – like me – who loved the original film are sure to be given pause by the reported plan to turn the remake into a “modern day paranoid action thriller about two brothers.” At that rate, why not just call it something else, am I right? Sigh.

Michael Ealy (The Following), Guy Burnet (Hand of God), Karla Souza (How to Get Away with Murder), and Nicole Beharie (Sleepy Hollow) star. No word yet on who plays the remake’s equivalent of Jacob, or if the character will even be called that, although one assumes he will.
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