Final Destination. 2000.
A group of teenagers head off to Paris for a school trip, Alex has a premonition that the plane will explode, in a panic he is taken off the plane with some students and a teacher, however on takeoff the plane explodes. As they have cheated death once they can't cheat it twice.
Taken from a abandoned X-files project and a concept of the 80s film sole survivor, this is still a great film that may put you off flying for awhile.
The deaths in this film can be seen as disturbing as well as real and brutal, usually with teen horrors you see one running up the stairs screaming arms in the air running left instead of right, that doesn't happen in this movie. There is a build up of suspense to the deaths but how will they meet their maker is different to what you think. The acting in this is well played, not even boring but entertaining even though Candyman star Tony Todd has a small cameo appearance. Look for the actors names as they taken from famous stars from 1920s-1930s era. 9 out of 10.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
Last edited by MrBarlow; 1st October 2018 at 03:51 AM.