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Old 9th October 2018, 10:12 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Barrow-in-furness
Blog Entries: 14


The cleaning lady

A beautiful woman trapped in an affair with a married man who won't leave her alone when she tries to leave or leave his wife and commit to her finds friendship with a disfigured maintenance woman who begins working as her cleaner. Her new friend has a dark side however and soon begins to go single white female on her, leading to a genuinely grizzly third act. A well crafted little thriller with some great acting and a well written script. Nothing Exceptional but worth seeing if you get the chance.


A group of nerds on campus looking to get into a frat house get invited to an exclusive frat house based well away from campus. Everything seems good at first but things get darker when the Hazing begins with some genuinely nasty torture. The kids soon realise this is not a normal fraternity and look to escape. Another one that shifts tone, starting out like a darker frat house comedy before becoming something nastier. Well worth giving this a try.


From director ROB GRANT who has become something of a regular at Grimm with both Mon Ami and Fake blood being festival highlights. A man awakes in a strange hospital being cared for by a sinister doctor (played by Angus Macfadyen) whose care feels almost like a form of torture. Pretty soon he is joined by a young woman and the pair begin to plan an escape from their captor. The film plays as a cat and mouse game between the patients and their doctor, however it gradually throws in a great twist that makes sense and is consistent with what you have seen before. I got to speak to the writer of this one Jules Vincent who was very interesting to speak to and filled in a lot of info on the production process. I really like this one.

Devil's Doorway

Found footage movie that draws its inspiration from real life horror. Set in 1960 a priest investigates a reported miracle at one of the Magdalene laundry's. Given what we now know about what these places were like then its unsurprising there's a dark secret. The film throws in demonic possession, ghosts and it suggests that what has happened here has cursed the place entirely. I had seen this before and was a little luke warm on it, but seeing it theatrically with an audience it worked a lot better and I really enjoyed it.

I'll take your dead.

A man living out in the middle of nowhere disposes of bodies for criminals from the city. He's saving the money he makes to take his daughter away from the life that seems to be mentally affecting her. She's a strange child who seems to talk to dead people that haunt the farm. Things go wrong when a fresh body dropped at the farm proves to be someone not quite dead and the cleaner who is not a killer saves her life. This leads him into a head on collision with the gang. While not everything here works, its well written and paced enough with well developed characters and a sense of pathos. The final act is genuinely great but also is the point where it throws in things that might not work as well as it should. Worth seeing though.
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