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Old 21st November 2018, 08:16 PM
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Really starting to get into pulp horror paperbacks lately. I just luv the artwork. Screw whoever said not to judge a book by it's cover!

Just finished reading The Snowman - great fun book in which a 20ft yeti with teeth so sharp they spark and eyes that can shoot rainbow laser beams hot enough to melt your face goes on a killer rampage in a ski resort. Similar to the Snow Beast movie.

Starting off with a gory bang, it does slow down a bit in the middle, but soon picks up for a great finale.

Just as I finished that, the postie delivered a new book I picked up (again, purely because of the artwork!) called Cannibals, which is meant to be like The Hills Have Eyes.

These books are great - total trash in the best way! Great artwork, fun stories, lots of carnage, obscure and oozing in 70s/80s-ness. Just like a VHS... in words. They're only a couple of hundred pages or so in length too which is a massive plus for me. Bonus points for many being British too.

I get bored too quickly to take on most horror novels that go into the thousands of pages. Ain't nobody got time for that! Give me a short, trashy burst of throwaway gory mayhem anytime.

Only just discovered these - entering a new world...

Anyone else read these two, or any other pulp horror of the 70s/80s?
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