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Old 25th November 2018, 09:16 AM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I watched the Screenbound release of The Blood Beast Terror last night.

I've never been happy with the VCI Euroshock release due to it's poor picture quality so turned on the UK release with some trepidation.

I'm delighted to say it's head and shoulders above the VCI version. Picture quality is excellent, colours are bright and edges crisp and it looks like a totally different film. Just goes to show that restoring a film for blu-ray makes a dvd look so much better.

As for the film itself? Well, it's a decent if not spectacular Tigon production which borrows a lot of ideas from Frankenstein and is let down as many of these films are by the monster itself, which in this case is a flimsy moth thing made out of tissue paper. However i would like to add that the moth chrysalis when hung up in the cellar makes for a very memorable Gothic horror motif.
I used to have the Euroshock version as well. I upgraded to the Blu ray when it was released.
If the Odeon DVD is the same as the Blu ray it should have an extra scene that was always missing. The scene is where the Inspector and Meg come across the other hotel guest fishing and the kids have a better catch than he does.
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