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Old 21st January 2019, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Michael Brooke View Post
I understand from the producer that that's what they proposed, but it was rejected.

Which is at least consistent: I had a similar issue with a few seconds of unsimulated bestiality in a supporting short film on Arrow's Borowczyk box, and when I discussed the legal problems with the BBFC they said that the problem wasn't so much the visual content per se as the fact that from a legal perspective it was a recording of a crime being committed, and therefore blurring or pixillating most likely wouldn't act as a defence in the event of prosecution.

(We didn't have the option of reframing as the dog ****ing the woman dominated the image, so we settled for blacking the shots out so that the editing rhythms would at least be retained.)
Oh I see. That is interesting.
A bit of a cult...
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