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Old 26th January 2010, 08:46 PM
42ndStreetFreak 42ndStreetFreak is offline
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Originally Posted by LineSix View Post
Good choice! Doctor Who is awesome, although I have to say I'm not that interested in the new series, it's pretty good but just doesn't have the same feel that the classics had. In the classic series you would get a storyline carefully developing over six or so episodes (give or take), now it's just one 45 minute flash in the pan and thats it, done and dusted.
Agreed. You miss the plot development and indeed the cliff hangers in the new "Dr Who". It's all rushed and shouted and makes little or no sense to any young children.

I do like the way the FX can add more to an enemy (like making the Daleks look like a real universal threat) and it's quite good the way they have made the sheer weight of time (and loss over that time) effect the Doctor's character.
But the rushed, wildly over the top attitude and constant running and shouting sap the series of any effective sci-fi mechanics grip on the viewer or any really fleshed out stories.
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