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Old 3rd February 2019, 04:06 PM
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bizarre_eye@Cult Labs bizarre_eye@Cult Labs is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Black Lodge
Blog Entries: 3

This week's viewings:

Léon (1994)

A '90s favourite that never gets old. Director's Cut.


Bloodlust (Mosquito der Schänder) (1977)

Very loosely based on a true case, this tale of a deaf and dumb accountant who has a fascination / traumatic trigger with blood, collects and experiments on dolls, before moving onto funeral home corpses in order to 'suck' out their blood is a curio for sure. Despite some massive liberties being taken with the background details of the case in order for the film to come across as more shocking and glorified in its subject matter this was a grisly but interesting watch if a little far-fetched and silly at times.


Trapped (1982)

A backwoods exploitation-er in the vein of Deliverance starring Henry Silva as a redneck who is hell-bent on eliminating a group of college kids who witnessed him killing his wife. Some nice tension and scenes of cat and mouse throughout makes this an enjoyable, although at times a little stagnant, watch.


The Diabolical Dr. Z (1966)

One of my favourite Franco's in which a woman sets about to avenge her mad doctor father's death by subjecting a dancer named Miss Meurte (who happens to have long poisonous fingernails) to the doctor's experimental mind control device so she'll do her bidding and kill her enemies. Sumptuous black and white photography creates an almost Noir-like aura to the gothic, psychosexual pulp that makes up this absurd but charming film.


Black Swan (2010)

From one psychosexual film to another, but one in a completely different vein. A masterpiece for sure and one of the best the 2010s has so far had to offer.


Cherry Falls (2000)

Part of the slasher rejuvenation that occurred in the wake of Scream throughout the late '90s early '00s, whilst this one isn't anything remarkable, it brings a few interesting ideas to the table and is a fairly fun film overall. Certainly more enjoyable than my previous memories of it in any case.


Panic (Bakterion) (1982)

'80s Italian-Spanish co-production cheapy filmed in the UK about a scientist who goes on a murderous rampage after he is subjected to one of his own chemical experiments. Some gory kills and FX help elevate this one a little as well as a solid turn from David Warbeck and Janet Agren. The ensemble cast look a little lost at times throughout and the script holds little surprises for most horror fans. Solid enough overall though.


The Neon Demon (2016)

Refn films are a little like Marmite, and luckily for me I love Marmite. This is one of his best (if not the best) and a long overdue re-watch has cemented that fact in every sense.


Truck Turner (1974)

Going in I truly believed I'd seen this one before, but unless all memory of it had been erased from my brain I must believe otherwise. This one really impressed and has a great array of shoot-outs, car chases, violence, pimp hats, and just the right amount of cheese. It's also well shot with a story that draws you in rather than feels tacked-on. This one has instantly shot up towards the top of my list of fave Blaxploitation films.


The VVitch (2015)

The third time I've seen this one now and there can be no doubt in my mind that it is one of the best horror films of the last couple of decades.

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