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Old 8th March 2019, 10:13 PM
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Cult King
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Do You Know This Voice? (1964)

British crime drama set in Bristol in which an Italian widow traps a child's kidnapper after unwittingly hearing their ransom demands in a street phone box.

Even at 77 minutes this felt like it dragged a bit and would have been far better suited as an hour long episode of the Edgar Wallace Mysteries or another similarly themed series.

American actor Dan Duryea brings some star quality to proceedings and is very good as the nice guy next door who happens to be a psychopath and there are several gripping sequences, one in particular involving poisoned milk at the breakfast table, and there are some nice twists, but the over riding feeling is that it could have been better with ten minutes shaved off the running time.

Network's dvd has a beautiful widescreen print if anyone's interested.
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