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Old 25th March 2019, 10:19 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

The world of Hans Zimmer

Moments of brilliance and times of boredom it's a mixed bag but I can appreciate the skill it takes to pull of such music flawlessly live.

I know I beat this drum alot buuuuuut what's one more time gonna do. Never have I had problems at metal gigs it may sound crazy it may look crazy but there is nothing but respect for each other but these normal concerts ( i now know it was a concert not a gig )there is always trouble. 12000 people at this concert and we get stuck next to not one but two sets of idiot's. Firstly one drunk guy screaming up the RA and come out you black and tans ruining it for everyone and in front of us two guy who kept talking and make the sound not the instruments with his mouth no respect for anyone. I really had to restrain myself from punching the drunk guy of he ruined this for my girlfriend id be in a holding cell right now.

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