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Old 31st March 2019, 09:18 AM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Tony was a nice warm caring loving man until his wife died and now he hates life and everyone he encounters. Working for his brother in law at the local free newspaper the only thing that keeps him going is his dog . Since the death of hia wife he has as a new philosophy in life be an asshole to everyone say and do what you want and if that doesn't work out he always has suicide to fall back on. On his journey Tony encounters all types of characters from his new post man pat to a drunk drug addict also a lost soul who lost the love of his life to drug s a prostitute an old lady who is also grieving the loss of her husband his councillor and the nurse that looks after his father in the nursing home. Everyone one of theseveral people has anot impact on his life and the decisions that he will eventually be forced to make in order to get on with his life.

Ricky Gervais is not everyone's cup of tea but he is mine I love what he does his tv shows his stand up great stuff all of it. There are just 6 episodes some running at 25 minutes some 30 so it's short and sweet sometimes too short I watched the whole season in one sitting last night. After Life is funny but it's also a moving and heart-warming look into the life of a lonely man left heartbroken by the loss of the love of his life. Alot of issues are confronted head on like suicide loss isolation addiction dementia homelessness and just not giving a f...... The humour is well placed and it's not there to trivialise any of the emotions of situations but it's a welcome break to some of the heavier moment.

Afterlife is a beautiful peice of tv everyone of us has experienced at least one if not more of the feels in this show and Ricky has dealt with all of them perfectly. If you don't like the man himself this may not change your mind put he does have important things to say with his little story. He is writing a season 2 at the moment I look forward to seeing more of Tony's journey.

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