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Old 6th April 2019, 03:50 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Location: Ireland


Matt Morgan has it all he's a Marshall in a quite town married to a beautiful Native American lady with a young son he's on top of the world. But his whole world comes crashing down around him when his wife is beaten raped and then murdered by two low lives passing through town. It's pretty much an open and shut case when his son escapes the attack on one off the killers horses big mistake when under the saddle are the initials of the owner. The owner is Craig Beldon Morgans best friend from the old days a man he owes his life to for saving his when they rode together. This is an overdue reunion of best friends but for all the wrong reasons.

Aside from the initials on the saddle another give away sign of who killed Morgans wife is the scar she left on his face and it turns out it wasn't Craig Beldon but his only son Rick and realising what he has done and why Morgan is in town friendship takes a back seat with Beldon refuses to give up his son.

Obviously the acting is fantastic with Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn on top form. Morgan is consumed by grief but bound by his oath to the law and he doesn't want to harm the man he once called his friend and on the other side Beldon has is own demons of raising his son alone after his wife passed away in recent years but the power of his money has corrupted him thinking that he is above the law. Morgan is the only real friend he has ever had even stating himself he had to buy every other friend he ever had but all he has left his is son so friendship and loyalty is forgotten to save his only flesh and blood from being hanged.

Damn this is one fine film Kirk Douglas is such a bad ass going up against a whole town on his own but he doesn't let his emotions take over and he wants to deal with this the proper way of a lawman and that's by the law and not like a gunslinger. It would be easy to get a film with such a long stand off wrong and so easy for it to slip into boredom but Last Train gets it oh so right with perfect pacing and never once is there any danger of it becoming a chore.

Excellent just excellent
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