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Old 11th April 2019, 05:21 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Mind Of Evil – Episode 1
Kettering: Science has abolished the hangman's noose and substituted this infallible method.
The Doctor: [as Kettering continues talking] People who talk about infallibility are usually on very shaky grounds.
The Mind Of Evil – Episode 2
(Fu Peng is reading a newspaper when the Brigadier and Doctor are shown in. He ignores them.)
Brigadier: Oh, Mister Fu Peng? I'm The Brigadier of UNIT command. I'm in charge of all security arrangements. And this is our scientific advisor.
The Doctor: (in Hokien) This unworthy person welcomes you and delights in your safe arrival.
(Fu Peng stands and replies in the same language.)
Fu Peng: Thank you for your courtesy and welcome. It is I who am delighted to meet such a charming person in this barbaric country. (in English) It is rare to meet a westerner who knows my language.
The Doctor: Oh, thank you. Actually I fear my Hokien is somewhat rusty.
Fu Peng: On the contrary, it is excellent.
The Doctor: Well, it's many years since I've had a chance to use it. (The aide brings a chair for the Doctor.) I remember once having a conversation with Tse-Tung.
Fu Peng: Tse-Tung? But that is the personal name of our chairman, Mao Tse-Tung.
The Doctor: He himself gave me leave to use it.
Brigadier: Yes, if we could just discuss the immediate problem.
Fu Peng: You will take some tea?
The Doctor: Kam si ya.
Fu Peng: Tang pei lai. Sing- sen.
(Chatting happily in Hokien, Fu Peng and the Doctor go into an inner room, leaving the Brigadier to sit alone on the empty chair.)
The Mind Of Evil – Episode 3
(As the Doctor drives in, Mailer runs out in front of him with a shotgun.)
The Doctor: Don't point that thing at me, man. It might go off! I'm here on official business. I understand there's been some trouble here.
Mailer: That's right, mate, and you're in it. Now, let's get this heap inside.
The Doctor: I was going there anyway
The Mind Of Evil – Episode 4
The Master: Wake up! Wake up! Ah. Welcome back. Would it surprise you to know that one of your hearts stopped completely? You were within an inch of dying.
The Doctor: You wanted to know how long I could hold out against that machine. Well, the answer is I can't. Nobody can.
The Master: Of course you can! If I can control it from that console, then so can you. And you must while I'm not here.
The Doctor: No, no.
The Master: Oh, come on, Doctor. We are both Time Lords.
The Doctor: Be that as it may, I know the secret of that machine. Inside is a creature that feeds on the evil of the mind, and very soon it'll feed on yours.
The Master: Nonsense! Mailer! (Mailer enters.) Release him. And then put him in the cell with Miss Grant. Now listen, Doctor, if you don't do what I ask of you, Miss Grant will be next in line for the process. You just remember that. Right, take him out.
Mailer: Come on, Doc. On your feet! Up!
The Mind Of Evil – Episode 5
The Master: All right, Captain. You can stop pretending to be unconscious now.
Yates: Why? Why
The Master: Why did I take the missile? I intend to use it.
Yates: You'll never be able to. It's too complex.
(The Master shows Yates a control panel.)
The Master: Nonsense! This is childishly simple. Anyhow, I have all the technical assistance I need.
Yates: Yes, I was going to ask you. About those soldiers.
The Master: Hired mercenaries in fake uniforms. Everything's a question of money nowadays, my dear Captain. Will you excuse me? Oh, by the way, you're probably wondering why you're still alive.
Yates: It did cross my mind.
The Master: Well, in the event, in the highly unlikely event of UNIT finding us before the missile's ready, you'd make a very useful hostage. Remember that.
The Mind Of Evil – Episode 6
The Doctor: [after the Brigadier has saved his life] Thank you, Brigadier.But do you think for once in your life you could manage to arrive before the nick of time?
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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