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Old 16th April 2019, 09:15 PM
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Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

The Boogens. A mining company blasts open an old mine left disused and sealed up for decades after a deadly cave-in, only to let out something that was best left buried... This rather obscure early 80s horror flick turned out to be much better than I was expecting. The only cast member I recognised was Rebecca Balding (who played Carol in Soap) but all the actors were solid and engaging and the characters likeable, it was well made with a nice winter/snowy setting, which always adds to atmosphere, and while a slow burn it kept me interested through to an exciting ending. The monsters are wisely kept off-screen till the end, being a bit silly looking, but ferocious enough to be a threat and the deaths actually have impact because you actually like the characters. I rather liked this!
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