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Old 6th May 2019, 06:20 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Planet Of Evil – Part 1
Sarah: How long have we been travelling?
The Doctor: Hmm? What did you say?
Sarah: You promised me we'd be back in London five minutes before leaving Loch Ness.
The Doctor: Did I?
Sarah: Oh, you're trying to wriggle out of it.
The Doctor: Wriggle out of what?
Sarah: Your promise.
The Doctor: Listen, we're on the edge of a time-space vortex and you're talking in minutes.
Sarah: Oh, I see. What's gone wrong this time?
The Doctor: Nothing. Nothing at all. What makes you think something's gone wrong?
Sarah: Because you always get rude when you're trying to cover up a mistake.
The Doctor: Nothing of consequence. Slight overshoot, easily rectified.
Sarah: Come on, where are we?
The Doctor: We've come out of the time vortex at the wrong point, that's all. A few years too late.
Sarah: How many?
The Doctor: Thirty thousand.
(A beeping sound starts up.)
Sarah: That's a distress call.
The Doctor: Someone's in trouble.
Sarah: Where?
The Doctor: Who knows
Planet Of Evil – Part 2
Salamar: You've seen the body?
Sorenson: All my party died the same way. A type of total dehydration.
Salamar: I have the bio-analysis here. All the organs are undamaged. No contusions or evidence of pressure. Complete extraction of bodily fluids from tissue.
Vishinsky: We've no weapon in our technology that could produce such an effect.
Salamar: No, a heat weapon would have produced external injuries. All the indications are that some very rapid form of freeze-drying occurred.
Sorenson: Isn't this irrelevant, Controller?
Salamar: Irrelevant?
Sorenson: I came to Zeta Minor to prove a theory that could save our civilisation. I've been successful. That's all that matters.
Salamar: Seven men have died at the hands of these aliens.
Sorenson: There is more at stake here than seven lives. Our solar system is dependant upon a dying sun. I've discovered a new and inexhaustible source of energy. Rock formations on the fringe of the universe.
Morelli: Controller, the oculoid tracker has located the prisoners.
Salamar: Order out the pursuit party.
Ponti: Right, Controller.
Sorenson: You're wasting time. My mineral samples must be loaded aboard and we must prepare for immediate take off.
Salamar: I am well aware of your high position in the science authorities, Professor, but this is a military expedition with military objectives. The manual says hostile alien forces must be searched out and liquidated. That operation is now in hand.
Planet Of Evil – Part 3
Sarah: Do something.
Sorenson: There is nothing to be done.
Vishinsky: He has disappeared into the vortex between this universe and the next.
Sarah: No, not the Doctor! He can't be dead.
Sorenson: He has ceased to exist. Controller, it is nearly night. We must prepare to launch.
Salamar: I agree. Vishinsky, see the Professor Sorenson's mineral samples are removed.
Sorenson: No. No, you can't leave those canisters behind.
Salamar: Those minerals are endangering the safety of my command. They must be jettisoned.
Sorenson: You arrogant young fool. The whole purpose of your command was to get me and that positron material back to our cosmos.
(Sarah sneaks out, unseen.)
Salamar: So that you can be hailed as the saviour of civilisation? No, Professor. My orders were simply to find your party and get back.
Sorenson: If you abandon that material, you destroy years of my life's work.
Salamar: You are a civilian aboard a military vessel. There will be no further argument.
Planet Of Evil – Part 4
The Doctor: Keep away.
Sorenson: I require an explanation.
The Doctor: Professor Sorenson, you're ill.
Sorenson: What do you mean, ill?
The Doctor: You think you've discovered an oral vaccine to protect you against antiquark penetration, but you're wrong.
Sorenson: It worked.
The Doctor: For a time, but it set up a cycle of chemical change. There's no way back, Sorenson. You've reached the point where your tissues are so monstrously hybridised that the next metabolic change could be the final one.
Sorenson: No.
The Doctor: There isn't much time.
Sorenson: No!
The Doctor: You and I are scientists, Professor. We buy our privilege to experiment at the cost of total responsibility.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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