Originally Posted by MrBarlow Chiller 1985.
After being declared dead, Miles Creighton is cryogenically frozen in the hopes he can be revived. After 10 years the procedure is a success but with dark results.
This was a made for TV movie by Wes Craven, Michael Beck takes the role of Miles who has lost his soul being between life and death and doesn't care who gets hurt. This is more suspense than horror as Craven seemed to have taken a step back from adding his gore fest, and lightning that was used was that dark it was eye straining. Paul Sorvino and Beatrice Straight were good but not prefect, to the point of nobody actually taking it seriously. 4-5 out of 10. |
I have this on a double bill dvd with
The Tell Tale Heart - a British horror from 1960 with Adrienne Corri and Lawrence Payne

- and thought it was barely watchable. The worst thing i've ever seen from Craven.