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Old 12th May 2019, 06:01 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Hand Of Fear – Part 1
(In another part of space, on Earth, in Cromhall Quarry, Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire, the quarrymen are getting ready to detonate a part of the quarry face. The siren wails as wires are attached to each other and the dynamite, and the detonator cable is played out. Then the Tardis materialises and the The Doctor steps out. The final wires are stripped and fastened to the detonator pack. Sarah leaves the Tardis, wearing an Andy Pandy pair of dungarees.)
Sarah: Oh. Listen, I don't want to make any snap decisions, but this isn't South Croydon.
The Doctor: What? I can't hear you for the siren.
Sarah: This isn't South Croydon!
The Doctor: All right, there's no need to shout. Hold this. (He gives her his coat.) Now watch.
(The Doctor bowls a stone at a large rock, knocking it over. They walk on.)
Sarah: Good for you.
The Doctor: Is it nice in South Croydon?
Sarah: What? It's a paradise compared to this dump. I bet we're not even on Earth.
The Doctor: Well, maybe the season hasn't started yet.
Sarah: What?
The Doctor: Do you have a season in South Croydon?
Sarah: Come on, where are we?
The Doctor: We're in a quarry.
The Hand Of Fear – Part 2
The Doctor: Sarah, listen to me.
[Fission room]
Sarah: No, there's nothing more to say because Eldrad must live.
[Nunton Control centre]
Watson: What did she say?
The Doctor: Shush, shush, shush.
Sarah [OC]: Eldrad must live.
Man [OC]: Eldrad must live.
The Doctor: Who is Eldrad, Sarah?
Watson: Some assassin, no doubt.
The Doctor: Shush.
Jackson: Yes.
The Doctor: Sarah, who is Eldrad? What does he want?
[Fission room]
Woman [OC]: Eldrad must live. Eldrad the creator, the saviour.
The Doctor [OC]: Sarah, what does he want?
Woman [OC]: Eldrad must live.
Sarah: Eldrad must live.
[Nunton Control centre]
The Doctor: Sarah. Keep her talking. I'm going in there.
Watson: But how can you? All those door locks are jammed.
The Doctor: Look, the plans to your cooling duct.
Jackson: But the temperature inside the cooling duct is over two hundred degrees centigrade.
Watson: You'll roast, man.
The Doctor: Not if I'm quick.
The Hand Of Fear – Part 3
The Doctor: Excuse me, I don't want to pry, but could you tell us how you got here?
Sarah: We found your hand in a quarry.
Eldrad: I was betrayed. They tried to obliterate me. Now I must return to avenge myself.
The Doctor: What? After all this time?
Eldrad: Explain!
The Doctor: Well, you've been on Earth a hundred and fifty million years, and you've lain dormant all that time.
(Eldrad does another mind scan of The Doctor.)
Sarah: Leave him alone. He's telling you the truth!
Eldrad: You are a Time Lord. I have heard of you and the role you play in time and space.
(This time, The Doctor gently falls sideways to the floor. Sarah catches him.)
The Doctor: You didn't need to do that. I would have told you.
Eldrad: Unfortunately, Doctor, I have learned to trust no one. I need your help.
Sarah: Our help? Oh, you must be
The Doctor: Shush.
Eldrad: As a Time Lord, you are pledged to uphold the Laws of Time and to prevent alien aggression.
The Doctor: Only when such aggression is deemed to threaten the indigenous population. I think that's how it goes.
Eldrad: Then you must help me in my struggle.
The Hand Of Fear – Part 4
Sarah: Oh, I must be mad. I'm sick of being cold and wet, and hypnotised left right and centre. I'm sick of being shot at, savaged by bug-eyed monsters, never knowing if I'm coming or going or been.
The Doctor: Zeus plug.
Sarah: Oh, I want a bath. I want my hair washed. I just want to feel human again.
The Doctor: Forget the zeus plug. I'll have the sonic screwdriver.
Sarah: Oh, and boy am I sick of that sonic screwdriver! I'm going to pack my goodies and I'm going home. I said, I'm going to pack my goodies and I am going home! Right! Excuse me!
(Sarah storms out of the console room.)
The Doctor: What was that you? I don't know why she goes on like this. There's really nothing the matter at all. (The Doctor gets a mental wave.) The call. The call from Gallifrey. Gallifrey. After all this time, Gallifrey. I can't take Sarah to Gallifrey. Must get her back home. Must reset the coordinates. South Croydon.
(Sarah enters carrying a bag and a pile of stuff including a plant in a pot, a stuffed toy owl and a tennis racquet.)
Sarah: Ahem!
The Doctor: You're a good girl, Sarah.
Sarah: Oh, look, it's too late apologising now. Everything's packed. I've got to go.
The Doctor: What? How did you know?
Sarah: What?
The Doctor: I've had the call from Gallifrey.
Sarah: So?
The Doctor: So I can't take you with me. You've got to go.
Sarah: Oh, come on. I can't miss Gallifrey. Look, I was only joking. I didn't mean it. Hey. Hey, you're not going to regenerate again, are you?
The Doctor: Not this time. I don't know what's going to happen.
Sarah: You're playing one of your jokes on me, just trying to make me stay.
The Doctor: No. I've received the call, and as a Time Lord I must obey.
Sarah: Alone?
The Doctor: Yes.
(The Tardis materialises.)
Sarah: And I'll give your love to Harry and the Brigadier. Oh, and I can tell Professor Watson that you're all right.
The Doctor: We've landed, Sarah.
Sarah: What?
The Doctor: We've landed.
Sarah: Where?
The Doctor: South Croydon. Hillview Road, to be exact.
Sarah: That's my home. Well, I'll be off then. Here.
(She gives him his coat back.)
The Doctor: Thanks.
Sarah: Don't forget me.
The Doctor: Oh, Sarah. Don't you forget me.
Sarah: Bye, Doctor. You know, travel does broaden the mind.
The Doctor: Yes. Till we meet again, Sarah.
(Sarah leaves.)
[Stokefield Close]
(The Tardis dematerialises. Sarah looks around.)

Sarah: This isn't Hillview Road. I bet it isn't even South Croydon. Oh. He blew it. (She speaks to a dog who is sunbathing on the pavement.) Hey, hey. You. He blew it.
(The dog runs off. Sarah walks away whistling 'Daddy wouldn't buy me a bow-wow'.)
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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