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Old 16th June 2019, 05:58 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Time-Flight – Part 1
The Doctor: Crew of the freighter safely returned to their own time.
Nyssa: Cyber fleet dispersed.
Tegan: Oh, great. You make it sound like a shopping list, ticking off things as you go. Aren't you forgetting something rather important? Adric is dead.
Nyssa: Tegan, please.
The Doctor: We feel his loss as well.
Tegan: Well, you could do more than grieve. You could go back.
Nyssa: Could you?
The Doctor: No.
Nyssa: But surely the Tardis is quite capable of
Tegan: We can change what happened if we materialise before Adric was killed.
The Doctor: And change your own history?
Tegan: Look, the freighter could still crash into Earth. That doesn't have to be changed. Only Adric doesn't have to be on board.
The Doctor: Now listen to me, both of you. There are some rules that cannot be broken even with the Tardis. Don't ever ask me to do anything like that again. You must accept that Adric is dead. His life wasn't wasted. He died trying to save others, just like his brother, Varsh. You know, Adric had a choice. This is the way he wanted it.
Tegan: We used to fight a lot. I'll miss him.
Nyssa: So will I.
The Doctor: And me. But he wouldn't want us to mourn unnecessarily.
Time-Flight – Part 2
The Doctor: So you're the conjurer.
Kalid: I am Kalid.
The Doctor: You say that as if you expect a round of applause.
Kalid: Have a care, Doctor. You were not summoned to my domain to play the clown.
The Doctor: Your domain?
Kalid: Here, Kalid rules.
The Doctor: Well, I apologise for my levity, not to mention my curiosity.
Kalid: What troubles your mind, Doctor?
The Doctor: What you're doing in this time zone, for a start.
Kalid: Shall Kalid not travel where the spirit leads him?
The Doctor: Would the spirit have anything to do with the ruins of that spaceship out there?
Kalid: Spaceship?
The Doctor: Yes.
Kalid: Space is within us, Doctor.
The Doctor: Ah. Then exactly how do you travel?
Kalid: By the power of the Great One. In the deserts of Arabia I learnt all the magic arts.
The Doctor: Magic? Arabia? Oh, come on, you can do better than that.
Kalid: You mock me, Doctor, but do not doubt that I can summon furies and cacodaemons, a company of cherubim or Lucifer himself.
The Doctor: Oh yes, yes, you're surrounded by a lot of powerful bioenergetics, Kalid, but I can't help feeling there's something a great deal more mechanistic about all this.
Kalid: Mechanistic?
The Doctor: What are you doing, sitting at the end of a time contour like a spider in a web? And what do you want with my Tardis?
Kalid: My familiar spirits have told me of your miraculous cabinet. The spirits have told me you would come.
The Doctor: Your spirits are very well-informed.
Time-Flight – Part 3
The Doctor: So you escaped from Castrovalva. I should have guessed.
The Master: As gullible as ever, my dear Doctor.
Hayter: Magic, as in lantern. A son et lumiere performance. Sophisticated and terrifying, I do not dispute.
(The Master has removed all his disguise and is holding his deadly tissue compressor.)
The Master: How you love the company of fools.
Scobie: Hold on a moment. This crystal, there's no connection, no radio link.
The Doctor: The crystal is simply a point of focus. The communication is purely telepathic.
Hayter: And what's all this equipment for?
The Doctor: What indeed. (The Doctor takes a look.) These components are from your Tardis. You're stranded here! The time contour you generated was a desperate lifeline to the future. It accidentally converged with Concorde.
The Master: You are right, Doctor. I need your Tardis to penetrate the sanctum.
Time-Flight – Part 4
The Doctor: Ah, well, really, Officer, we're, we're just in transit, as it were. (Sheard, Stapley, Bilton and Scobie come out of the building.) Er, just a, just a. Captain Stapley, I trust you had a good flight?
Stapley: You're amazing, Doctor.
The Doctor: (to policeman) Er, you know my friend the Airport Controller. I'm sure he can give you a full explanation.
Sheard: I think I'm entitled to a few explanations.
The Doctor: Er, well, I'll just make a quick phone call, which should clear the whole thing up.
(The Doctor backs into the Tardis.)
Sheard: I thought the Doctor was on Concorde with you?
Stapley: Absolutely, but you see, that police box is really a spaceship in disguise.
Bilton: And it's called the Tardis.
Sheard: Tardis? Tardis?
Scobie: And it travels in time as well.
Sheard: Gentlemen, if you persist with this flippancy, it will be time to talk about (The Tardis dematerialises.) Disciplinary action.
Stapley: Happy landings, Doctor.
(Tegan comes running up.)
Tegan: Happy landings, Doctor.
Stapley: Hello. I thought you were going with the Doctor.
Tegan: So did I.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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