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Old 31st January 2010, 04:37 PM
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pedromonkey pedromonkey is offline
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deadalive i totally agree with you on windtalkers.

i watched Smoking Aces 2: Assassin's Ball, last night and while not being a scratch on the first, manages to pull off an extremely entertaining action film.

there were two extremely well staged shoot outs that are reminicient of the bar room gun fight in Desperado and alot of death, The cast is pretty good too, with Tom Berenger giving an interesting part to play, Michael Parks is fun as usual as the father of the remaining Tremor family, there are hot chicks big guns and flying midgets, the only problem i had was Vinni Jones' character, although Jones plays him well, they kind of switch this insane surgical assassin from unremorsful to a complete pansy with no explanation. There were some obvious Budget limitations, CGI explosions, Back Projection during in-car scenes and the fact that it was shot on diabolical Digital film (which at points looks a little student filmaker-ish) the dialog is pretty good. yes the film has it's flaws but this is ten times better than anything Seagal has made in ten years. A recommended rental.
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