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Old 10th July 2019, 06:31 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Trial Of A Time Lord Part 13: The Ultimate Foe – Part 1
The Doctor: In all my travellings throughout the universe I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here. The oldest civilisation, decadent, degenerate and rotten to the core. Ha! Power-mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, they're still in the nursery compared to us. Ten million years of absolute power, that's what it takes to be really corrupt.
Mel: Take it easy, Doc.
The Inquisitor: Doctor, these unseemly outbursts
The Doctor: Unseemly outbursts? If I hadn't visited Ravalox, as I then thought of it, the High Council would have kept this outrage carefully buried, as presumably they have for several centuries.
The Master [on screen]: I must agree. You have an endearing habit of blundering into these things, Doctor, and the High Council took full advantage of your blunder.
The Inquisitor: Explain that.
The Master [on screen]: They made a deal with the Valeyard, or as I've always known him, the Doctor, to adjust the evidence, in return for which he was promised the remainder of the Doctor's regenerations.
The Valeyard: This is clearly
The Doctor: Just a minute! Did you call him the Doctor?
The Master [on screen]: There is some evil in all of us, Doctor, even you. The Valeyard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature, somewhere between your twelfth and final incarnation. And I may say, you do not improve with age.
The Doctor: Madam, this revelation should halt this trial immediately. Surely even Gallifreyan law must acknowledge that the same person cannot be both prosecutor and defendant.
The Inquisitor: The single purpose of this trial is to determine the defendant's guilt or otherwise on the basis of the evidence that has been presented. Anything else is, for the moment, irrelevant.
Trial Of A Time Lord Part 14: The Ultimate Foe – Part 2
(With the final explosion from the Matrix, it all goes quiet. Everyone starts to sit up again. The Doctor runs in.)
The Doctor: Ah. Now, let me see. Where were we? I was about to be sentenced, I believe.
The Inquisitor: All charges against you are dismissed, Doctor. We owe you an immense debt of gratitude, which I can partly repay by telling you that the young woman, Miss Perpugilliam Brown, is alive and well and living as a warrior queen with King Yrcanos.
(We are shown Peri with a full head of hair standing with Yrcanos.)
The Doctor: Ah. Verumnic.
The Inquisitor: Now then, once law and order have been restored, a new High Council will need to be elected. Can I persuade you to stand for Lord President again?
The Doctor: Ah. Ah ha. I've a better idea.
Mel: He's going to suggest you stand.
The Doctor: Indeed I am. And were there such a thing as an intergalactic postal vote, you'd have mine.
Mel: I shouldn't broadcast that, if I were you.
The Doctor: Oh, you could do me one small favour, if you would.
The Inquisitor: Simply name it.
The Doctor: When the Matrix is restored, you can do what you like with the Master, but exercise leniency with Sabalom Glitz. He's not beyond redemption.
Mel: Just don't let him anywhere near the crown jewels.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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