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Old 17th July 2019, 06:15 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Silver Nemesis – Part 1
(The Courtney Pine Jazz quartet are playing to an appreciative audience in bright sunshine, including the Doctor and Ace - who is wearing a short sleeved t-shirt in November?)
Ace: I could listen to them all afternoon.
The Doctor: And so we shall.
(Ace picks up the Daily Mirror with the headline Meteor Approaches England and reads the back page.)
Ace: Have you seen this? Charlton picked up three points.
The Doctor: This is my favourite kind of jazz, straight blowing.
(The Doctor's pocket watch beeps.)
Ace: I hate people whose alarms go off during gigs.
The Doctor: What's this? It's a reminder.
Ace: Well, go on, then.
The Doctor: Well, obviously, at this precise moment it's a reminder to change course for another destination.
(He closes the ornately enamelled cover of the digital device.)
Ace: Where's that?
The Doctor: I've forgotten. Oh, we'll have to go back and find out.
Ace: Oh, Professor. (The Doctor walks off while Ace gets Courtney to give her an autograph.) Excuse me, would you mind signing my tape?
Courtney: Not at all.
Ace: Thanks.
Courtney: Okay.
Ace: Bye.
(Ace joins the Doctor.)
The Doctor: Don't you find it embarrassing asking for autographs?
Ace: Not as embarrassing as forgetting what you set your alarm for.
The Doctor: Well, I probably arranged it centuries ago.
Silver Nemesis – Part 2
(The Doctor and Ace observe the Cyber spacecraft from underneath a hedge. It is guarded by the two headphone wearing men who knocked them into the river. Ace sneezes, so the Doctor shakes a branch and whistles like a bird. The men decide not to investigate.)
The Doctor: I don't suppose you've completely ignored my instructions and secretly prepared any Nitro Nine, have you?
Ace: What if I had?
The Doctor: Naturally you wouldn't do anything so insanely dangerous as to carry it around with you, would you?
Ace: Of course not. I'm a good girl. I do what I'm told.
The Doctor: Excellent. Blow up that vehicle.
(Ace grins, and picks up her rucksack.)

Silver Nemesis – Part 3
Remington: You must be parched from standing in the sun. May I offer you a little refreshment?
Richard: Thank you, no, madam.
Remington: Oh. Are you folks students?
Richard: Alas, I am but a servant, and cannot read or write.
Remington: Oh.
Richard: My mistress is of noble birth, and has some Latin and a little Greek.
Remington: Well, you must be on vacation at this time.
Richard: Go you far, ma'am?
Remington: Far? Oh, I just came over from London.
Richard: Two days ride.
Remington: Well, no, actually the traffic was pretty reasonable. I left about, let's see, forty minutes ago.
Richard: Forty minutes?
Remington: Folks from the south are never in a hurry. As a matter of fact, I'm here on a visit, checking out my roots.
Richard: Tis wise with crops this time of year, ma'am.
Remington: Oh.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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