MV5BMGJlOGIxOWQtZGY4Ni00Nzc1LTkzMzgtMTUxNDkwYWMwYmE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU0NzkwMDg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,.jpg AN ANGEL FOR SATAN (1966)
A statue of a woman is recovered from a lake. The locals talk of a curse should the statue ever be retrieved from the lake. A man is hired to restore the statue by the owners and shortly after, Harriot (Barbara Steele) arrives back at the family home and she is the image of the statue. Harriot begins acting strange, taking on a duel personality. Mysterious deaths occur and it seems the curse is true..
Barbara Steele's last Italian horror. Very enjoyable with a good atmosphere throughout. More mystery than horror but it is beautifully shot in black and white and has some nice gothic imagery.