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Old 28th July 2019, 03:14 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Originally Posted by Inspector Abberline View Post
Attachment 217244Attachment 217245

Attachment 217246Attachment 217247

Previously on Batman, are dynamic duo were strung up behind a shooting gallery by the Penguin and his men, but wait what's this Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara are taking there aim and fire at the two targets, Holy blood splattered death by firing squad...Don't worry they escape, although the solution to there predicament was so silly its not worth repeating, lets just say they have bullet proof soles of there feet, I know ridiculous. The 2nd episode in the story really manages to push the limits of credibility to its maximum. Batman and Robin are so disillusioned by the whole plot they literally go batshit crazy, in one scene they face the Penguin, threatening to do him harm, while twitching and convulsing like two over acting mental patients...In fact they over act so much there is nothing left for the police to do but chase are dynamic duo down a dark alley way and machine gun the both of them to death...Of course this all one big ruse to ruffle the feathers of Penguin and his men and find out what he is actually up to. While you assume the Police were in on this con trick, I did wonder why when Chief O'Hara presents Commissioner Gordon with the bill for all the blank ammunition, Gordon does a double take, either the blanks were two expensive or Gordon wasn't in on this either...This storyline certainly throws a few curve balls to say the least, Penguins romance and wedding caper, the dynamic duos decline in mental health and subsequent shooting, Penguin's hijacking of the bat phone in Commissioner Gordons office, but the best was the inclusion of the Bat Cycle and sidecar for Robin of course, love those gadgets...The ending has Penguin arrested of course, but just to humiliate his bride even further, when confronted with Sophia Starr who wants to reform the Penguin, and still wants to marry him even after all the things he has done, the Penguin rejects her and demands to go back to his cell ,isn't love grand...
The size of the windshield on the Bat Bike with a strong breeze it would take him hours to drive anywhere
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