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Old 4th August 2019, 08:17 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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The Night Stalker.

The first of the Tv movies that introduces Carl Kolchak investigative report who is giving the case of some murdered girls by his boss Tony Vincenzo. Carl soon learns that there is something unnatural about the killings and it appears to be the work of a vampire, which puts him at odds with his boss and the police department. 7.5/10

The Night Strangler

The second Tv movie, this time Carl has located from Las Vegas to Seattle, where he comes on Vincenzo who offers him a job, Carl's first assignment is the death of a number of women that have been strangled . It soon becomes apparent that there is something unnatural about these killing as the same type of killings have been going on ever 21 years for over a hundred years. Once again Carl has to contend with the police and Vincenzo. Enjoyed this more than the first thanks to the relationship between Carl and Vincenzo. We also have some familiar faces, Richard Anderson ( 6 .million dollar man), Al Lewis(grandpa munster) , John Carridine and Margret Hamilton who played the wicked witch in the wizard of oz. 8/10

Now watching the Vindicator (1986)
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