I think all the movies from Lamberto Bava are to be seen with an open mind

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Murder Party MV5BMTUyMDgzMzI0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjU2MDU1MQ@@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg Quote:
A random invitation to a Halloween party leads a man into the hands of a rogue collective intent on murdering him for the sake of their art, sparking a bloodbath of mishap, mayhem and hilarity.
The first movie from Jeremy Saulnier the guy behind Blue Ruin & Green room - interesting work, only 1h20m so he doesn't get boring - a mix of comedy/horror with old school special effects. On netflix at the moment.
Lèvres de sang/Lips of Blood
Frederick sees a photograph of a ruined seaside castle, which triggers a strange childhood memory. He then goes on a strange quest, aided by four female vampires, to find the castle and the beautiful woman who lives there.
The 3rd movie I watch from J. Rollin, first was Fascination (not really remember much, need a rewatch), second was Grapes of Death - love it, was such a great movie, and now Lips of Blood - the plot it's a little basic, but it compensates with an amazing photography in the movie, the scenes in the ruined castle are so beautiful - Highly recommended