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Old 24th August 2019, 06:22 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Daleks In Manhattan
Foreman: I'm telling you, the men won't stand for it. I mean, are you out of your mind? I got five hundred men working seven days a week. They're flat out, and you want us to go faster?
Diagoras: The new masters demand it,
Foreman: But we're on schedule. What's the problem? Another month and we'll be done.
Diagoras: The mast on this building needs extra work completed by tonight.
Foreman: Tonight? No way. It's impossible.
Diagoras: That's an order.
Foreman: Yeah? Well, one word from me and every man on this site stops working. So go on. Tell your masters that.
Diagoras: If that's your attitude, I think that you should tell them yourself.
Foreman: Yeah? Well, I ain't afraid of no man in a suit.
(Diagoras summons the lift.)
Foreman: These er, these new bosses? What's their names?
Diagoras: I think you could say they're from out of town.
Foreman: Italians?
Diagoras: A bit further than that.
Foreman: How much further?
Diagoras: Beyond your imagination.
Foreman: What's that supposed to mean? Who are they? Mister Diagoras, who're we working for?
(The lift comes up from the bottom to floor 100.)
Diagoras: Behold your masters.
(The lift doors open to reveal a Dalek with by two pigmen.)
Foreman: What the hell?
Dalek: I have been summoned. Explain. Explain.
Foreman: It can talk. How does it talk? And what the hell are they? You got to be kidding me.
Diagoras: I'm sorry, my lord, but this man is refusing to complete the work.
Dalek: Then we must replace him.
Foreman: Is anybody going to tell me what the hell is happening here?
Dalek: Use him. Take him for the Final Experiment.
(The pigmen take hold of the foreman and bundle him into the lift.)
Foreman: Hey, what's going on? Let go! Let go of me! Get off me, you freaks! Mister Diagoras, will you tell them?
(The lift goes back down.)
Dalek: The Empire State Building must be completed in time.
Diagoras: It will be. Trust me. Labour is cheap and that man can be replaced.
Dalek: The plan must not fail. We calculate the gamma strike has accelerated. We need more bodies immediately.
Diagoras: Yes, Master.


Dalek Caan: The chromatin solution is ready.
Dalek Sec: Then our preparations are complete.
Diagoras: What are you doing? Preparations for what?
Dalek Sec: This is the Final Experiment.
Diagoras: What do you mean? Do you mean like this pig men things? You're not going to turn me into one of those. Oh God, please don't!
Dalek Sec: The pig slaves are primitive. The Final Experiment is greater by far.
Diagoras: But how does that involve me?
Dalek Sec: We need your flesh. Bring him to me!
Dalek Thay: Halt! This action contradicts the Dalek Imperative.
Dalek Caan: Daleks are supreme. Humans are weak.
Dalek Sec: But there are millions of humans and only four of us. If we are supreme, why are we not victorious? The Cult of Skaro was created by the Emperor for this very purpose. To imagine new ways of survival.
Dalek Thay: But we must remain pure.
Dalek Sec: No, Dalek Thay. Our purity has brought us to extinction. We must adapt to survive. You have all made sacrifices. (Dalek Thay is missing some panels.) And now I will sacrifice myself for the greater cause, the future of Dalek kind. Now bring me the human.
Diagoras: I don't understand. What do you mean? Get off of me!
Dalek Sec: Behold the true Dalek form. (Dalek Sec opens its casing opens to reveal its organic component, which looks a lot more like an octopus than it ever used to do.) Now you join with me.
Diagoras: No! Get off me! I did everything you asked of me! No!
(Sec lassoes Diagoras with his unexpectedly long tentacles and then envelopes him in his stomach - very octopus. When it is dragged back inside, the Dalek casing closes.)


Tallulah: When you say, they've taken her, who's they exactly? And who are you anyway? I never asked.
The Doctor: Shush.
Tallulah: Okay, okay.
The Doctor: Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush.
(The shadow of a Dalek is cast on the wall ahead of them.)
Tallulah: I mean you're handsome and all
(The Doctor puts his hand over her mouth and drags her back into a service alcove until the Dalek is safely past and away.)
The Doctor: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They survived. They always survive while I lose everything.
Tallulah: That metal thing? What was it?
The Doctor: It's called a Dalek. And it's not just metal, it's alive.
Tallulah: You're kidding me.
The Doctor: Does it look like I'm kidding? Inside that shell is a creature born to hate, whose only thought is to destroy everything and everyone that isn't a Dalek too. It won't stop until it's killed every human being alive.
Tallulah: But if it's not a human being, that kind of implies it's from outer space. Yet again, that's a no with the kidding. Boy. Well, what's it doing here, in New York?


Dalek Caan: Report.
Dalek Thay: Dalek Sec is in the final stage of evolution.
Dalek Jast: Scan him. Prepare for birth.
The Doctor: Evolution?
Martha: What's wrong with old Charlie boy over there?
The Doctor: Ask them.
Martha: What, me? Don't be daft.
The Doctor: I don't exactly want to get noticed. Ask them what's going on.
Martha: Daleks, I demand to be told. What is this Final Experiment? Report!
Dalek Caan: You will bear witness.
Martha: To what?
Dalek Caan: This is the dawn of a new age.
Martha: What does that mean?
Dalek Caan: We are the only four Daleks in existence, so the species must evolve a life outside the shell. The Children of Skaro must walk again.
(Sec's shell stops smoking and the light goes out in its eye stalk. The casing opens and a biped struggles out. The casing shuts and the biped straightens.)
Martha: What is it?
(It has the one-eyed head and hands of a Dalek blob, but is wearing Mister Diagoras' suit. It takes a deep breath and speaks with Diagoras' accent.)
Dalek Sec: I am a human Dalek. I am your future.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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