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Old 29th August 2019, 04:55 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Family Of Blood
Rocastle: So. Baines and one of the cleaning staff. There's always a woman involved. Am I to gather that some practical joke has got out of hand?
Baines: Headmaster, sir. Good evening, sir. Come to give me a caning, sir? Would you like that, sir?
Rocastle: Keep a civil tongue, boy.
Philips: Now come on, everyone. I suspect alcohol has played its part in this (The Doctor watches from a window.) Let's all just calm down. And who are these friends of yours, Baines, in fancy dress?
Baines: Do you like them, Mister Philips? I made them myself. I'm ever so good at science, sir. Look. (He pulls the arm off a scarecrow.) Molecular fringe animation fashioned in the shape of straw men. My own private army, sir. It's ever so good, sir.
Rocastle: Baines, step apart from this company and come inside with me.
Baines: No, sir. You, sir, you will send us Mister John Smith. That's all we want, sir, Mister John Smith and whatever he's done with his Time Lord consciousness. Then we'd be very happy to leave you alone.
Rocastle: You speak with someone else's voice, Baines. Who might that be?
Baines: We are the Family of Blood.
Rocastle: Mister Smith said there had been deaths.
Baines: Yes, sir. And they were good, sir.
Rocastle: Well, I warn you, the school is armed.
Baines: All your little tin soldiers. But tell me, sir, will they thank you?
Rocastle: I don't understand.
Baines: What do you know of history, sir? What do you know of next year?
Rocastle: You're not making sense, Baines.
Baines: 1914, sir. Because the Family has travelled far and wide looking for Mister Smith and, oh, the things we have seen. War is coming. In foreign fields, war of the whole wide world, with all your boys falling down in the mud. Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious?
Rocastle: Don't you forget, boy, I've been a soldier. I was in South Africa. I used my dead mates for sandbags. I fought with the butt of my rifle when the bullets ran out, and I would go back there tomorrow for King and Country!
Baines: Et cetera, et cetera. (Baines vapourises Philips.) Run along, Headmaster. Run back to school. And send us Mister Smith!


Martha: I know it sounds mad, but when the Doctor became human, he took the alien part of himself and he stored it inside the watch. It's not really a watch, it just looks like a watch.
Joan: And alien means not from abroad, I take it.
Martha: The man you call John Smith, he was born on another world.
Joan: A different species.
Martha: Yeah.
Joan: Then tell me. In this fairy tale, who are you?
Martha: Just a friend. I'm not. I mean, you haven't got a rival, as much as I might. Just his friend.
Joan: And human, I take it?
Martha: Human. Don't worry. And more than that, I just don't follow him around. I'm training to be a doctor. Not an alien doctor, a proper doctor. A doctor of medicine.
Joan: Well that certainly is nonsense. Women might train to be doctors, but hardly a skivvy and hardly one of your colour.
Martha: Oh, do you think? Bones of the hand. Carpal bones, proximal row. Scaphoid, lunate, triquetal, pisiform. Distal row. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. Then the metacarpal bones extending in three distinct phalanges. Proximal, middle, distal.
Joan: You read that in a book.
Martha: Yes, to pass my exams. Can't you see this is true?
Joan: I must go.
Martha: If we find that watch, then we can stop them.
Joan: Those boys are going to fight. I might not be a doctor, but I'm still their nurse. They need me.


(The Family run, then their spaceship goes KaBOOM!)
Baines [OC]: He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing. The fury of the Time Lord. And then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he'd run away from us and hidden. He was being kind. (Clark, wearing heavy chains, falls into a pit.) He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains, forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked my mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy to be imprisoned there forever. (Jenny is sucked out of the Tardis in deep space.) He still visits my little sister once a year every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her, but there she is. Can you see? He trapped her inside a mirror, every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you, just for a second, that's her. That's always her. As for me, I was suspended in time. And the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England, as their protector (Baines has become a scarecrow.) We wanted to live forever, so the Doctor made sure that we did.


Joan: Is it done?
The Doctor: It's done.
Joan: The police and the army are at the school. The parents have come to take the boys home. I should go. They'll have so many questions. I'm not sure what to say. Oh, you look the same. Goodness, you must forgive my rudeness. I find it difficult to look at you. Doctor, I must call you Doctor. Where is he? John Smith?
The Doctor: He's in here somewhere.
Joan: Like a story. Could you change back?
The Doctor: Yes.
Joan: Will you?
The Doctor: No.
Joan: I see. Well, then. He was braver that you in the end, that ordinary man. You chose to change. He chose to die.
The Doctor: Come with me.
Joan: I'm sorry?
The Doctor: Travel with me.
Joan: As what?
The Doctor: My companion.
Joan: But that's not fair. What must I look like to you, Doctor? I must seem so very small.
The Doctor: No. We could start again. I'd like that. You and me. We could try, at least. Because everything that John Smith is and was, I'm capable of that, too.
Joan: I can't.
The Doctor: Please come with me.
Joan: I can't.
The Doctor: Why not?
Joan: John Smith is dead, and you look like him.
The Doctor: But he's here, inside, if you look in my eyes.
Joan: Answer me this. Just one question, that's all. If the Doctor had never visited us, if he'd never chosen this place on a whim, would anybody here have died? (no answer) You can go.
(The Doctor leaves. Joan clutches the journal to her bosom and cries.)
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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