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Old 17th October 2019, 11:28 AM
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Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Nov 2015

Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 16

Attachment 220005

A group of soldiers are sent to the Scottish wilderness for a training exercise. It begins as a routine night camping in the woods with the lads complaining about football having some banter ripping the piss and cracking jokes but its short lived and their fun is disrupted by haunting howls and the carcass of a deer dumped into their camp. Could the campfire stories of people going missing in that neck of the woods be true or is it just the sound of a hunting pack of wolves. Not far from their camp they find a mutilated group of special forces soldiers and the only survivor is their sergeant who is an absolute arsehole. Running through the harsh countryside to escape another attack them bump into a zoologist who is there investigating the strange things that are going on but at first the lads think she is a nutter when she tells them that they are not dealing with a normal threat but they are under attack from werewolves.

How the hell have i not seen this before there is absolutely no messing around just a balls out action horror from start to finish. Fantastic realistic acting most of the characters are likeable well all except one arsehole but he got off on the wrong foot with me right from the start if you have seen this then you will know who he is and why he is I love that the conversations between the soldiers realistic like your hanging out with your mates making the whole thing more believable and creating a bond between the characters making anything that happens to any of them sad to see and so really pulling you into the situation and really rooting for them to survive.

The practical gore effects are brilliant and realistic nothing looked fake and there are plenty of blood and guts to satisfy and gore hound. At first we only see fast glimpses of the werewolves which i was very worried about but as the film goes on we see more and more of them and they look great they are big muscular and mean as **** looking. The only thing i was a little disappointed with was no transformation scene but maybe i was asking for too much but it takes nothing away from the film because everything else going on is so great.

With all the horror death gore and action going on there was still some room for a bit of humor and it pulled it off perfectly without cheapening the film one bit its not slapstick stupidity its a natural thing between mates sort of humor that just worked the right way.

Blood guts werewolves explosion fun fun fun fun fun

I could harp on for ages about this film but im sure ye have heard enough already

This film is fanbloodytastic

One of my all-time favourites! Full of quotable lines, grue, tension, and posh birds talking dirty.
RIP Douglas White. 11-06-33 - 01-07-2017
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